Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Unemployment Dating...YES or NO?

This is s message I received in Spanish, I translated it to English so I could share it with you today. Great read for both men and women, especially in light of the current financial circumstances so many are facing in the midst of our economic climate. Just because there are financial obstacles and struggles does not mean we should put love on hold in order to "salvage" or "ease the pain" of a man's ego. Yes... a real man strives to be the provider in his home. Yes... a real woman wants her man to be that provider. But it is also high time most men realize that today's living conditions call more for a team effort; one in which finances, money and who is bring it home should not be as important as how we love one another. I am sick and tired of hearing men say "I'm not in a relationship now, or seeking one because I feel I do not bring much to the table in terms of finances right now". To me that's just a lame excuse for the player still trying to get his cake and eat it too. Just my humble opinion and by no means am I trying to make you feel the way I do. Forever-love is creative and works as a team, that's why there are TWO people in a relationship, duh!. OK... I've said enough...read the message below and leave your comments. How do you weigh in on the subject? as a woman... would you date an unemployed man right now? Why? why not? MEN.... how do you feel about this? IS there something I'm missing? Please enlighten me...


During a brief conversation a man asked a woman: What type of man do you seek to find? She stopped to think quietly for a moment, looked him straight in the eyes and asked. Do you really want to know? To which he answered YES!

She went ahead with her response: Being a modern day woman I am in the position to ask a man for that which I cannot do for myself. I pay all my bills; I take care of my home without the help of a man. I am in the position to ask him. What do you bring to the table, what will you add to my life?

He looked at her and clearly thought she was talking about money! Realizing what he was thinking, she quickly replied: I’m not referring to money or financial support. I need something more. He crossed his arms, deeply looked into her eyes and asked to further explain. She continued: I need a man who will strive for perfection in all areas of life. She said: I seek a man who strives to better himself, someone with whom I can have an intelligent conversation and who motivates me to be better each day. I don’t need a simple-minded or immature man. I need a man I can admire and admires me for who I am. I am looking for a man who will strive for spiritual perfection because I need someone with whom I can share my faith in God; a man who loves me but loves God above all else. I don’t need a man to strive for financial perfection because I’m not looking for gold. I’m not a gold digger. I’m looking for a man who will strive to work with me, side by side, shoulder to shoulder for the benefit of our home. Not another burden waiting for me to take care of things. I need a man with some common sense to understand me when I’m going through simple female life issues yet strong enough to provide me with the emotional support I need to stand and endure those times…A man who will not let me fall. I’m looking for a man I can respect; a man who complements my life. In order for me to support him I must have respect for him and he must have respect for me as well. I cannot be submissive to a jerk. I’m looking for man in whom I can trust, a man who respects me as his partner and best friend. Not an unfaithful man, with a soul so poor that he will disrespect me and himself by giving himself to anyone in a moment of unbridled pleasure. I seek a man who can be a worthy example to our children and not someone they will be ashamed of. I strive to be attentive to him, to his every need but he needs to earn that. God created man and woman under equal conditions to support one another. I cannot support a useless man that won’t even help himself. I seek a man with some sense and a good heart because he will get to know my heart, my feelings just by looking into my eyes. I seek tenderness.

When she was finished she looked into his eyes; he looked a bit confused and with questions on his mind. He replied: You’re asking too much. She replied: I’m worth it.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


God's word in Ephesians 6:10 calls us to be strong in the Lord and is the power of his might. It then proceeds to provide us the instructions on how to do so. The following confession is solely based on God's Word and I found it on a tape from a message by Charles Stanley from In Touch Ministries. I thought it crucial to share it with you. Read it daily and see God's Word actively working in your life. If you'd like more visit www.intouch.org

Dressed for Battle by Charles F. Stanley
Based on Ephesians 6:11 - 18

Father today, in Jesus’ name, I put on the Girdle of Truth; I put on this apron of truth. I thank you today Lord I know who I am in Christ; I’m a child of God, I’m a saint, I’m indwell-ed with the Holy Spirit. Christ Jesus lives within me, the power of the Holy Spirit lives within me. The power that’s greater than all the power in the World is living within me. I am God’s child, on God’s journey living by God’s Spirit and God’s power in His time. I want to begin my day affirming the truth of who I am, who God is, who is within me and who has control of my life today.

Father I want to thank you in Jesus’ name as I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect my emotions, my heart...what I feel. Lord, today with my breastplate of righteousness protect me from responding to circumstances and people emotionally; let me respond with my spirit, not just out of my emotions. Lord Jesus, I want to thank you while I’m still in my bed. I put on the Sandals of the Gospel of Peace. Lord Jesus I thank you today that wherever I go I am available to be used by you to make peace with God and with other men, to bring them to making peace with God, with You. Secondly, Father I want to thank you that wherever I go today my life will be an expression of your peace. Where there is conflict…You within me wherever I go today, You, will create peace. I’m going to be a vehicle; I’m going to be a tool; I’m going to be an instrument of peace wherever I go today because I’ve shot my feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. I am a peace maker.

Father, in Jesus’ name, I want to thank you that I take up the Shield of Faith. I thank you that I’m taking my Shield of Faith. I want to thank you that as I place my trust in You today, you are sufficient to protect me from everything so that nothing, nothing can touch me. Nothing can touch me; no kind of barrage of satanic arrows can touch me because I’m hiding behind the Shield of Faith; that is, I have placed my trust in YOU to protect me, not in myself. So today I’m walking in faith, my feet are shot with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. My emotions are being protected by the Breastplate of Righteousness. I am walking in the truth.

Lord, I place on my head the Helmet of Salvation; that is Lord; I want you to protect my mind today. I want you to protect my thinking. I reaffirm what you’ve said in your word today: that I have the mind of Christ. There are some things Lord that don’t fit your mind and I want to thank you that I don’t have to think on things Satan sends my way. I can think the truth today. I can think pure thoughts; I can think right thoughts. I can think the truth in every situation because I have the Helmet of Salvation to protect my thinking today and I want to respond to any and every circumstance out of the truth; out of my mind thinking the truth, not out of my emotions just reacting to situations and circumstances. I put on the Helmet of Salvation.

Last of all Lord, I take up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. That is my only offensive piece of equipment. It is both defensive and offensive. It is defensive in this light: that when Satan attacks me I have the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, to deflate and ward off his arrows. Father I thank you today that I have the Sword of the Spirit as a defensive weapon, that means I have the entire Word of God to rely upon, so that when Satan sends one to me all I have to do is deflect it with the truth of God’s Word. Father today in Jesus’ name I take up the Sword of the Spirit to do two things; fight off and resist Satan’s attacks and secondly, I use it Father, in Jesus’ name, as my message to share the truth with those who are lost, those who are hurting, those who are wandering, those who have back-slid, those who are floundering in their lives. I use your message today to bring them into a right relationship with you. For this I thank you in Jesus’ name.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Just a reminder...

I wrote this a while ago and upon review I thought it wise to share it again...

Posted May 2, 2009 by DivaTica

Pain and problems are part of life, but so are purpose and promise. When we hurt, we often lose sight of the fact that others around us also hurt or have gone through a similar situation becasue we are so focused on our own pain.

It's not about what you go through, but how you go through it. How does trouble impact you?

Every person I know is expereincing or has experienced some type of pain, trouble or difficulty in life. Yes...there are sunny days, but there are also rainny and yes, even stormy days...all are a part of the seasons of life.

However, you can never conquer what you don't comfront and you cannot comfront what you don't identify. Don't waist your trials, be honest and transparent about them so you may learn from them and in so doing move on and move up.

The best thing you can do with your troubles is face them...give them to God and begin the healing process. Nobody develops great strength or enduring power without coming against problems and pain, and outlasting them...

So know this for a fact...You are lovable, capable, worthy, talented, gifted, intelligent and strong!

YOU are a child of GOD!

Knowing that...whatever you do, do it to the utmost of your ability. Press against your personal best. Test your own limits. When...not if...but WHEN the breakthrough comes it will result in greater confidence and force of character. When you refuse to break, bow or bend...you will grow in personal power.

Keep moving on! Keep moving up! that is the key to turning yesterday's trials into today's triumphs!

Yet another adlibed exertp from one of the many books I've read, this time the book is "Move on, Move up" by Paula White

I wanted to share this with you to remind you to give thanks not just to our Heavenly Father Yaweh, but to all those individuals along the way that support you, keep you encouraged and will not let you fall. I know that without them and their unconditional love for me I would not be who I am today.

So THANK YOU... for being there for me when I needed you the most. My hope and prayer is that I may be able to repay your love with more of the same and If life should have it that I'm not around...then I trust our Father willplace those individuals inyour life that will be there for YOU as you have been there for me.