Tuesday, April 13, 2010

From one DIVA to another

The true definition of diva means divine. Yes, we’ve been created to reflect the divine nature of God Himself in all we say and do…

Life is not about the destination; it is all about the journey and the transformation that occurs along the way. AS our minds are renewed, our lives are transformed as a result. What we think affects what we do. What we do attracts a response or reaction that either gets us close enough to grasp what we want or drives us further away from it…

Don’t be too hard on yourself and get hung up on past mistakes or perceived failures. As your understanding becomes more enlightened, remember all the good, bad and ugly have culminated to make you the woman you are today…

True divas don’t seek earthly recognition…theirs is a higher call – to affect nations and kingdoms to come by simply doing what the core of their soul, led by the Spirit of God, directs them to do. They seek no greater glory than accomplishing the task at hand. Pride is not a part of the diva nature because she draws all power from a Source higher and greater than herself. In that, she rests and does what she does best—fulfill her destiny by living up to her name whether the rest of the world knows it or not.”

This is an excerpt from the book I am currently reading, “Unveiling the Diva Mystique” by Michelle McKinney Hammond and I just wanted to share it with some ladies I consider to be Divas in the true meaning of the word…


Thursday, May 21, 2009 at 11:18 p.m.

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