God's word in Ephesians 6:10 calls us to be strong in the Lord and is the power of his might. It then proceeds to provide us the instructions on how to do so. The following confession is solely based on God's Word and I found it on a tape from a message by Charles Stanley from In Touch Ministries. I thought it crucial to share it with you. Read it daily and see God's Word actively working in your life. If you'd like more visit www.intouch.org
Dressed for Battle by Charles F. Stanley
Based on Ephesians 6:11 - 18
Father today, in Jesus’ name, I put on the Girdle of Truth; I put on this apron of truth. I thank you today Lord I know who I am in Christ; I’m a child of God, I’m a saint, I’m indwell-ed with the Holy Spirit. Christ Jesus lives within me, the power of the Holy Spirit lives within me. The power that’s greater than all the power in the World is living within me. I am God’s child, on God’s journey living by God’s Spirit and God’s power in His time. I want to begin my day affirming the truth of who I am, who God is, who is within me and who has control of my life today.
Father I want to thank you in Jesus’ name as I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect my emotions, my heart...what I feel. Lord, today with my breastplate of righteousness protect me from responding to circumstances and people emotionally; let me respond with my spirit, not just out of my emotions. Lord Jesus, I want to thank you while I’m still in my bed. I put on the Sandals of the Gospel of Peace. Lord Jesus I thank you today that wherever I go I am available to be used by you to make peace with God and with other men, to bring them to making peace with God, with You. Secondly, Father I want to thank you that wherever I go today my life will be an expression of your peace. Where there is conflict…You within me wherever I go today, You, will create peace. I’m going to be a vehicle; I’m going to be a tool; I’m going to be an instrument of peace wherever I go today because I’ve shot my feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. I am a peace maker.
Father, in Jesus’ name, I want to thank you that I take up the Shield of Faith. I thank you that I’m taking my Shield of Faith. I want to thank you that as I place my trust in You today, you are sufficient to protect me from everything so that nothing, nothing can touch me. Nothing can touch me; no kind of barrage of satanic arrows can touch me because I’m hiding behind the Shield of Faith; that is, I have placed my trust in YOU to protect me, not in myself. So today I’m walking in faith, my feet are shot with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. My emotions are being protected by the Breastplate of Righteousness. I am walking in the truth.
Lord, I place on my head the Helmet of Salvation; that is Lord; I want you to protect my mind today. I want you to protect my thinking. I reaffirm what you’ve said in your word today: that I have the mind of Christ. There are some things Lord that don’t fit your mind and I want to thank you that I don’t have to think on things Satan sends my way. I can think the truth today. I can think pure thoughts; I can think right thoughts. I can think the truth in every situation because I have the Helmet of Salvation to protect my thinking today and I want to respond to any and every circumstance out of the truth; out of my mind thinking the truth, not out of my emotions just reacting to situations and circumstances. I put on the Helmet of Salvation.

Last of all Lord, I take up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. That is my only offensive piece of equipment. It is both defensive and offensive. It is defensive in this light: that when Satan attacks me I have the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, to deflate and ward off his arrows. Father I thank you today that I have the Sword of the Spirit as a defensive weapon, that means I have the entire Word of God to rely upon, so that when Satan sends one to me all I have to do is deflect it with the truth of God’s Word. Father today in Jesus’ name I take up the Sword of the Spirit to do two things; fight off and resist Satan’s attacks and secondly, I use it Father, in Jesus’ name, as my message to share the truth with those who are lost, those who are hurting, those who are wandering, those who have back-slid, those who are floundering in their lives. I use your message today to bring them into a right relationship with you. For this I thank you in Jesus’ name.
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